When we launched Positively Healthy in 1986, in advance of the science and using whatever science was available at the time, we created very clear series of guidelines and criteria for HIV positive gay men to stay well and not progress. And this was when there were no drugs. There was no answer in those days which is why people became more experimental about looking at alternative ways of living with HIV and AIDS. The first thing, and nothing has changed, our advice has not changed over these decades, what we said in '86 stands in 2008 and onwards, the first thing is to avoid all toxic input into your life. Don't ingest any immunotoxins which is why we recommend very strongly organic food, without pesticides, herbicides or any of the unknown chemicals they put in. Because if for instance if you juice carrots that aren't organic you're taking a cocktail of something like three hundred pesticides, herbicides, it's fertilizers you don't know what they do long term, what their effects are. So we said very clearly organic food is the first step. Regular meals throughout the day, not just a meal in front of the television once a day or a meal between clubs, that doesn't work. Three meals, breakfast, lunch, dinner. Organic, toxic free, toxin free. And then we recommended very provocatively vegetarianism to avoid all toxic input from animals because the human body we found once you were HIV positive could cope better, the lighter it was, the less imposition put on your immune system. Meat has a long intestinal transit time. If your are immunocompromised sometimes meat can take 21 day to pass through your system. Meanwhile it's putrefying, it's decomposing in your system. You're going to get Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn's Disease, who knows what else you're going to get, tumors and cancers where it's not passed through. Vegetables in an immunocompromised system, and grains and fruit, etc., generally pass through within 24 hours, 48 hours would be the maximum I've heard of. So, it's not about animal liberation, it's about your liberation, it's about keeping you healthy. The least toxic diet is what we recommend, organic vegetarian food. All recreational drugs to be avoided. No drugs, period. These were the basic guidelines obviously people had trouble doing it immediately, but many did manage it eventually. Also, no smoking. It is one of the most immunocompromising acts you can do, and that's long term suicide. Smoking is long term suicide. It's hard to stop but it's murder not to, you're killing yourself if you don't. So recreational drugs, it's a misnomer recreational drugs because people don't take it for recreation, they do it through addictions and compulsion. All drugs to be avoided. I can't even tease them out because one isn't better than the other, or less toxic than the other. Just don't do it. And if you think "oh life isn't worth living, I can't even go out any more," oh, you can, I do and everyone I know does. Don't do it if you want to live a long healthy life. If you don't, continue, continue taking everything that's harming you. But if you want a long satisfying life, these were our recommendations. The other recommendation was, we had fine tuning then, such as all your cooking utensils for instance should be stainless steel or toughened glass. No things like non-stick because those things eventually leach out and are very immunotoxic. We completely avoid things artificial sweetener such as aspartame which are contained in all diet drinks. A general 330 milliliter jar of Coke Cola contains like 12 spoons of sugar I believe it is. They all do more or less the same. Very dangerous sugar. It's only one or two molecules away from cocaine in addiction, the chemical formula almost identical. People think "oh we won't take sweetened drinks, sugar drinks, we'll move to diet." Aspartame is more dangerous. You're better off with sugar than with aspartame. Put aspartame into Google sometimes and see what your diet drinks are doing to you. I guarantee you won't touch it again. And then we recommended also, I've been through the organic vegetarian diet, no drugs, no smoking, alcohol is a difficult one because people do socialize. I would say certain alcohols are less problematic than others. We've found over the years that organic red, organic white wines, and organic beers and lagers, etc. in moderation, if your drug regime can tolerate it and you can tolerate it without being addicted and a glass leading to a bottle. But if you have an addictive compulsive personality, then don't go near them. You might well need professional help to deal with these things. So ... toxic people, avoid them. I've found over the last 23 years that almost 90% of gay men I've worked with who are HIV positive have been rejected by their families. They've either been written out of the wills, disinherited, or just told never to come back, we don't want to know you. For a lot of gay men, family is important, and if suddenly this network is taken away, life isn't worth living. But if they were that toxic enough to expel you, thank God that they did expel you because would you want to be around people like that? There was a case once of an Irish boy I worked with, a lovely boy. He did a workshop with me called "The Men in G Weekend," a 48 hour intensive weekend. At the end of which he was so inspired, it was Christmas, he drove home for Christmas. And told his family he said, they didn't even know he was gay, and said to them "I'm gay and I'm HIV positive." His father beat him up, threw him out of the house, everything he owned was thrown out the window after him while he waited in the car and watched what was happening. And he drove to the top of the car park in Belfast and drove off the top because his family did that to him. I wish, I wished I had been with him because I would have made sure that hadn't happened. But if that type of family does that to you, you wouldn't want to be around them anyway. So it's not just avoiding toxic food, and toxic drink, and toxic smoke and toxic liquor, but the bigger killer is toxic people. You allow toxic people into your life they will poison you. They will make life not worth living. It's like that thing about relationship where your partner plays away and brings home God knows what. That to me is toxicity. Someone who loves and respect you wouldn't do that to you, nor you to them. So we have laid down a very clear pathway for positive gay men to stay healthy. It's not an easy pathway because food is an addiction, drugs are an addiction, drink is an addiction, smoking is an addiction, and it's not easy sometimes to say you are in your 20s, 30s, 40s, to give up addictions that you do unconsciously: eating, drinking, smoking, etc., often unconscious addictions that you don't address consciously. But once you do address it consciously, and you look at, I mean I use this word and you may even laugh but if you think of your body as a temple you wouldn't want to pollute it. Unfortunately most people treat their bodies as if they are trash cans, garbage bins and they throw any old shit and rubbish into it. You know most people treat their bodies as if they are toilets and then they, what is a blocked toilet look like. That's what their lives look like. So we say treat your body with the utmost respect because hey you're not going to get another one. You can't go to the refund counter and say this one's not working get me another one. It doesn't work that way and reincarnation's a long way away, and you're here now, so deal with it.